Basic Policy on Dealing with Anti-Social Forces2019-10-29T03:35:46+00:00

Basic Policy on Dealing with Anti-Social Forces

Nihon Capital Group K.K. (“NCG”) hereby declares its fundamental policy to not have any relationships with Anti-Social Forces, such as individuals or groups that pursue financial profit by means of violence, force and fraud. NCG pledges to be a trustworthy and healthy company that earns society’s confidence.

  1. In order to promote a sound and safe economy and protect our customers and employees, systematic efforts will be made to exclude anti-social forces.  
  2. NCG’s representative directors and management team will formulate measures necessary for ensuring the safety of customers and employees.
  3. Absolutely no relationships, including engaging in transactions, will be had with anti-social forces. In addition, all unjust demands from anti-social forces will be refused.
  4. Engaging in backroom deals with and providing capital to anti-social forces will be strictly prohibited.
  5. External specialists, including the police, law firms, and the National Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan, will be called upon when unjust demands are made by anti-social forces.
  6. Both civil and criminal legal means will be used when unjust demands are made by anti-social forces.